Tuesday 15 December 2015



It is unfathomable power, when one is aligned to the universe. Life then becomes a flow and not a fight. To understand how the universe works and to align oneself to it, with the aid of Numerology and allied sciences is the whole intent of “Life transformed”, living an empowered life.It will be my attempt to share the power of Numerology in the most honest and the simple way. The way I learnt Numerology from real Life. So also, I have learnt along the way, that in the hierarchy of the universe we form a small yet significant energy that’s part of the whole. There is a little god in all of us, but we are not god. The whole encompassing our universes and millions of other universe is called for the ease of identification as the “spirit”. The spirit is always the same, static and unchanging. The spirit has mentally created our physical universe of which we form a part which is “ever-changing”. In fact is that everything is constantly changing is a static fact of life in our universe. And the universe created earth and us both in the mental and physical realm. Numbers came about much later as a science which was used to understand our universe and just the simple 9 numbers and the zero can create infinite combinations. As anumerologist, it is then my endeavour to understand both the physical and the mental realm of/ for our client and help him/her raise their energy from a pure material success, which is very important and required to spiritual/ mental evolution as well, wherein lies the real power of “life”.

“spirit” is best part of NUMEROLOGY

The spirit is always the same, static and unchanging. The spirit has mentally created our physical universe of which we form a part which is “ever-changing”. In fact is that everything is constantly changing is a static fact of life in our universe. And the universe created earth and us both in the mental and physical realm. Numbers came about much later as a science which was used to understand our universe and just the simple 9 numbers and the zero can create infinite combinations. As anumerologist, it is then my endeavor to understand both the physical and the mental realm of/ for our client and help him/her raise their energy from a pure material success, which is very important and required to spiritual/ mental evolution as
well, wherein lies the real power of “life”.

Numerology in real Life

I learnt Numerology from real Life. So also, I have learnt along the way, that in the hierarchy of the universe we form a small yet significant energy that’s part of the whole. There is a little god in all of us, but we are not god. The whole encompassing our universes and millions of other universe is called for the ease of identification as the “spirit”

“Life transformed

It is unfathomable power, when one is aligned to the universe. Life then becomes a flow and not a fight. To understand how the universe works and to align oneself to it, with the aid of Numerology and allied sciences is the whole intent of “Life transformed”, living an empowered life.It will be my attempt to share the power of Numerology in the most honest and the simple way.

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Favorable Dates & Days they should endeavor to carry out their plans and ideas on all days

Favorable Dates & Days they should endeavor to carry out their plans and ideas on all days

Number 3 people should endeavor to carry out their plans and aims on all days that vibrate to their own number, such as on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th of any month, but more especially to learn about which dates are best for them, which numbers they need to harmonize with and work with or plan their life and also what colors should be worn by them along-with a lot more information can be obtained after guidance from a numerologist.Number 4 possess a character of their own. They view everything from an opposite angle to everyone else. In an argument they will always take the opposite side, and bring about opposition and make a great number of secret enemies.They seem quite naturally to take a different view of anything that is presented to their minds. They rebel against rules and regulations, and if they can have their way they reverse the order of things, even in communities and governments. They are inclined to be attracted to social questions and reforms of all kinds, and are very positive and unconventional in their views and opinions.Number 4 people do not make friends easily. They seem more attracted to persons born under the 1, 2, 7 and 8 numbers. They are seldom as successful in worldly or material matters as people born under the other numbers, and as a rule they are more or less indifferent as to the accumulation of wealth. Their chief faults are that they are most highly strung and sensitive, very easily wounded in their feelings, inclined to feel lonely and isolated, and are likely to become despondent and melancholy unless they have achieved success. As a rule they make few real friends, but to the few they have, they are most devoted and loyal-they should endeavor to carry out their plans and ideas on all days that have their number 4, such as the 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st of any month, but especially so if these dates come in their strong period now you must be wondering what is this strong period. Well for this once again you need to be under guidance of a numerologist to aid you further.

What are numbers? What is their impact on the human body and life?

What are numbers? What is their impact on the human body and life?
A particular number is assigned to each alphabet in numerology. Apart from 1 to 9 digits, 11 & 22 are the master numbers. It’s interesting fact to learn that 11 & 22 represent the force of Karma our past actions in previous birth or past lives. These lead a person to his /her success or failure and have a very visibly strong impact on the human life. The entire destiny of a person would be primarily decided by the numbers that are of his birth and name.
Destiny number is the number that denotes the situations a person will face and or undergo in the current life. Destiny number is calculated by adding all the numerical values of all the letters in the full name of the person.
Life path number stands for the inner talents and abilities that an individual possesses. It also aids in getting learning’s from various situations in one’s life. The date, month and year of a person’s birth are added and that gives us the Life path number.
Soul urge numbers signifies the inner desires of the person. The numerical value of the vowels in one’s name are summed up to get the soul urge number.
Personality number means how will someone perceive of an individual.
Maturity Number denotes the hidden wishes or desires that come up after a certain age of a person. Basically it implies of the hidden goals that one has to achieve or plans too.
Challenge Number is the challenges as name suggests that a person has to face in the life.
All the above mentioned numbers have a tremendous impact on the life of an individual and they need to be taken care off and not ignored.
Now you may wonder what changes will happen if I change my name? Here is the answer. These numbers change when the spelling of name is changed and their impact also gets reduced or changed. But for this we need the guidance of a numerologist who will set these numbers in harmony and help us lead a better life.
Number 3 - 4
Number 3 people are kinda off similar to the number 1 individuals, ambitious; never satisfied by being in subordinate positions; their aim to have control and authority over others, excellent in the execution of commands; Number 3 people often rise to the very highest positions in any business, profession or sphere in which they may be found. They love order and discipline in all things; they readily obey orders themselves, but they also insist on having their orders obeyed.
They often excel in positions of authority in the army and navy, in government, and in life generally; and especially in all posts of trust and responsibility, as they are extremely conscientious in carrying out their duties. Number 3 people dislike being under a compliment to others; they are also exceptionally independent.

Numerology & Colour, can be a stimulating adventure in helping to create your life.

Numerology & Colours, can be a stimulating adventure in helping to create your life.

Neurologically, you can match up your personal numbers with particular colors. Your personal numbers can be used to indicate the appropriate color for clothes, decorating, painting and more. Also, you can match your desire for developing a particular quality (courage, honesty, loyalty, and persistence…) with a particular color. You can then apply that color in your life to help develop your desired qualities.Each number has multiple colors associated with it. Each number has a primary color, which directly corresponds to your charades and your sense of health and balance. Your secondary colors are associated with overall growth. All of the colors can be extremely powerful in your life and are important as they can be used to your benefit for personal development, self-discovery, and tapping into your creativity.A successful and fulfilled life is one that is run in harmony with these energies. Illness, unhappiness and emptiness all stem from a lack of understanding of these energies and our inability to work with them. Each number is said to resonate with a certain color. Making use of the color that resonates with our number can allow us to express our inner light.It is easy to choose a color to wear every day by matching it to the color associated with the vibration of your personal day number. There are many reasons you might want to match your clothing to the color vibration of the day. It may increase your luck and intuition but also make you feel like you are more in harmony with life.Have you ever wondered if there was a way of choosing color for your clothing to make it match the “vibration of the day” so can be much luckier? Have you ever been stumped for a choice of what color you might want to wear to an important interview or event? You can actually do this using numerology!Another benefit of this may be that are subconsciously perceived by others as working with the flow of things rather than against them. What you are wearing or how you look might seem just right to them, simply because you are dressing yourself so that you are in harmony with cosmic forces. Playing with colors and numbers can be fun and many successful people do dress in harmony with the colors picked for them by numerology to stay on track in life. By wearing this color you will be expressing your inner self. It can help you to feel more confident or can simply lift your spirit if you are feeling low.Matching your colors to your personal numbers can help to enhance or bring out the qualities represented them.Therefore applying the benefits of color in your life is one way to begin creating the life that you dream about. What it is that you want to "create" in your life? What is it that you want? What do you hunger for? Applying Numerology and color, can be a stimulating adventure in helping to create your life.