Wednesday 9 December 2015

The Date of Birth occupies very prominent role in Name correction.

The Date of Birth occupies very prominent role in Name correction.
Every date of birth has its own energy. First the energy in the date of birth should be identified. The life is determined by the numbers in the date of birth. Date of birth always displays merits and demerits, strength and weakness. Therefore before correcting a name, studying of date of birth is essential. The new name should have the strength which exists in date of birth. Then only that new name brings luck. The new corrected name should lift up the energy in the date of birth. We can add new energy, if name requires. But this new energy must have proper coordination with date of birth. Otherwise the name correction leads to drastic incidents and developments. So before correcting a name the date of birth must be studied thoroughly & for this you need to turn to a Mentor a Spiritual Guide who is well versed in the science of Numbers as making the right alteration can bring positive outcome and playing yourself with the numbers without Guidance of a Guru can also have adverse effects.All obstructions that position in the way of your success and joy are things that are present in the mind. The more focus you give to these hindrance, the more power they have to be marked in your world. This is because thoughts are things, and they grow on thoughts and emotion of a parallel nature. This is how and why the Law of Attraction works, and why it’s so easy to find ourselves in situations that we’d rather not be in, despite our best intent.

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